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-카멜레온 카페 [ MVRDV + GRAS Arquitectos ] Cafe Camaleon

Archstory 2021. 10. 30. 00:11


MVRDV + GRAS Arquitectos-Cafe Camaleon


카멜레온카페는 MVRDV가 베를린에 선보이는 첫번째 작품이다. 이 카페는 호텔로비와 신발매장, 카페로 구성되어있다. MVRDV는 한 방에 세가지 프로그램을 모두 결합하여 하루종일 적응할 수 있는 유연한 공간을 만들고 미래의 필요에 따라 다른 기능 간의 시너지 효과를 활용할 수 있도록 공간을 구성하였다. 세 영역은 매우 다르게 작동하지만 모두 고객과의 상호 작용을 위한 카운터라는 한 가지 필수 요소를 공유하고 있다. 따라서 이 공간의 주요 특징은 세 가지 기능을 모두 충족하는 18m의 단일 카운터를 가지고 있다.

세 가지 프로그램에는 고유한 색상이 지정되어 있다. 호텔로비의 경우에는 빨간색, 매장은 흰색, 카페는 브라운 색상이다. 이 세 색상은 그라데이션으로 보여진다. 공간을 보는 관점에 따라 색상이 다르게 보이기 때문에 카멜레온에 영감을 받아서 프로젝트 이름을 짓게 되었다.


Casa Camper Berlin opened in 2009, situated in Berlin Mitte, close to a vibrant shopping area. Alongside the hotel lobby, the ground floor of the building originally included a separate commercial space. Camper approached MVRDV and GRAS Arquitectos to design a new concept for a lobby, retail showcase for Camper shoes, and restaurant that would better align with the brand’s strong design reputation.


The occupancy patterns of the three programmes are very different, meaning they are unlikely to be busy at the same time. There was therefore an opportunity to combine all three programmes in a single room, creating a flexible space that could adapt throughout the day, as well as for future needs, taking advantage of synergies between the different functions. Though the three areas operate very differently, they all share one necessary element: a counter for interacting with customers. The main feature of the space is therefore a single, 18-metre-long counter serving all three functions. 


Each function was given its own colour: red for the hotel lobby; white for the retail showcase, following the specifications for Camper Lab stores; and brown for the restaurant, inspired by the colour of German Milchkaffee. To show the interaction between the different programs, the colours merge into each other, creating a colour gradient throughout the length of the space that is visible in the floors, walls, and counter. These vibrant colours were the inspiration for the project’s name, Camaleon, as the appearance of the space will be very different depending on one’s vantage point. Camaleon also references the brand’s first shoe from 1975, the Camaleón. 


Outside, a 12-metre-long openable glass façade creates a clear, welcoming connection to the street. Inside, the colour gradient is achieved with different materials and in different manners: from resin colour panels in the counter to printed wood for the walls and cement-based floor tiles, mixed with different ratios of red, clear and brown recycled glass – making use of a traditional technique from Mallorca, Camper’s hometown.


Café Camaleon is MVRDV’s first completed work in Berlin – a timely completion as, after a long connection to Germany through projects such as their first project the Berlin Voids, the Expo 2000 building in Hannover, and the recently completed WERK12 in Munich, MVRDV opened an office in Berlin last year.


Photography by Daria Scagliola

from archdaily
