jaq-Omics Research Center
이 작업의 출발은 두 개의 독립된 건물, 즉 Volonaires 거리가 내려다보이는 건물과 파리의 Pasteur Institute 캠퍼스 건물이 었다. 90년대 후반에 지어진 건물은 주택 전용 건물로 9개 층으로 이루어진 작은실들로 구성되었고 건물의 층고는 2.4m로 제한적이였다. 이 건물은 현재 생물 정보학 전용 사무실과 연구실로 리노베이션 되었다. 건물은 경화되었고 외벽은 커튼월로 변경되었다.
At the origin of this operation, there were two independent buildings, the building overlooking the street of Volontaires and the building on the campus of Pasteur Institute, in Paris.
The street building, built in the late 90s was dedicated to housing, it consisted of small student rooms developing on nine levels. It was optimized for this kind of program and offered only a few openings and a very constrained floor height of 2.40m.
The trays were cured and the facades are completely sawn to make way for a curtain wall and a corrugated steel cladding covering the entire project. The low height led to work on the expression of ducts and other technical elements innervating the building.
The buildings now house offices and research laboratories dedicated to bioinformatics on more than 3200 square meters.
Photography by Antoine Bonnafous
from archdaily
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