ASWA-Toyota Motor Thailand Marketing Office Complex
ASWA는 건축적 곡선이 조경적 곡선과 만나 외부 공간과 내부 공간 사이의 유동성을 창출하는 새로운 사무실 단지를 설계했다. 방콕의 동쪽에 위치한 새로운 토요타 사무소는 근무시간 동안 모든 사람이 휴식을 취할 수 있도록 자연 채광, 녹지전망을 녹색 안뜰에 이르기까지 사람과 녹지를 작업 공간에서 연결하는 것을 목표로 했다. 이 프로젝트는 커뮤니티, 컨벤션, 오피스 세부분으로 나눌 수 있으며, 주행 트랙을 건물의 레이아웃과 조경에 적용하는 개념이다.
ASWA designs a new office complex where the architectural curve meets the landscape curve to create the fluidity between exterior and interior space. Located on the east side of Bangkok along the highway, the new Toyota Motor Thailand Marketing Complex aimed to connect people and green areas from working spaces to green courtyards welcoming natural light and greenery views for everyone to relax during working hours.
The complex is a mixed-use commercial-office building on 36,600 square meters of land. The site locates in a TOYOTA test drive area that aims to connect people, nature, and cars by designing the landscape to architecture and interior space. This project can divide into three parts as "The Community," "The Convention," and "The Office," with the concept of driving tracks that applied to the layout and landscape of buildings.
Considering the existing site, as a TOYOTA test drive area, the concept of driving tracks selected to apply to the buildings' layout and landscape, which can notice from the curved edges, as the turning point in a racetrack in every corner of the buildings. Likewise, the greenery landscape will place in every negative space from an overlapping plan.
The office is the main building of the complex with almost 9,900 sq. m. with four floors. The first two floors use for indoor parking lots with a curved corner rectangular-shaped floor plan with the perforated aluminum facade, which allows light and air ventilation to the space. At the same time, the third and fourth floor has an overlapping racetrack-shaped plan with a continuous glass facade. On the third floor, the main office area has different ceiling height volumes and one central open court, which grants natural light to the whole space with the greenery view.
The larger outdoor activities space placed on the fourth floor greets everyone to appreciate nature. The complex expects to complete in the year 2022. There will have a showroom, retail, restaurants, conventional area, co-working area, office, test drive, and the new headquarters to connect everyone to join this new community.
Photography by Phuttipan Aswakool
from archdaily
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