Takenaka Corporation-Innovation Garden OSAKA Center
건축가는 가구의 종류나 인테리어 디자인이 아닌 건축의 구성과 계획에 따라 내부/외부, 빛/어둠, 움직임/정적, 열림/닫힘 등 환경의 패치워크를 만들고 싶었다. 길고 좁은 평면은 계단과 전기차를 별로도 배치하여 통로 없이 사람들이 자유로운 이동이 가능하도록 설계했다. 엇갈리고 적층된 단면은 적절한 위치에 외부 공간을 만들어 풍부한 자연환경을 즐기면서 동시에 주변 주택의 프라이버시를 고려한다. 건축가는 건축이 사람, 자연 및 정보가 상호 작용하고 기업 혁신 창출에 기여할 수 있는 플랫폼으로 기능하기를 희망했다.
Platform where People, Nature, and Information Interact. As the hub of Konica Minolta's imaging IoT/AI development and business creation in the Kansai area, this is a development base where diverse human resources gather. We wanted to create a patchwork of environments such as inside/outside, light/dark, movement/stillness, and open/closed, not by the type of furniture or interior design, but by the composition and planning of the architecture.
The goal was to create a serendipity-filled ABW (Activity Based Working) practice where new relationships are dynamically and agilely generated through the selection and movement of each person's place in a non-homogeneous environment.
The long and narrow plan (120m x 30m) is designed to allow free flow of people without any pathways by arranging stairs and EVs separately, and the staggered and stacked cross-sections create outside spaces in the right places to enjoy the rich natural environment while considering the privacy of the surrounding houses. We hoped that the architecture would function as a platform where people, nature, and information could interact and contribute to the creation of corporate innovation.
Photography by Nakasa & Partners
from archdaily