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-커먼그라운드 [ URBANTINER ] Common Ground

Archstory 2021. 12. 18. 00:01



커먼그라운드는 도심 한복판의 미사용 땅을 살리는 실험의 결과이다. 프리패브 공법을 적용해 시공기간을 5개월로 단축할 수 있었다. 교통량이 많은 메인거리 쪽에는 모듈을 쌓아 건물 외관에 더 많은 임팩트를 부여하고 지나가는 사람들의 시선을 끌었다. 건물은 스트리트마켓과 마켓홀로 나누어서 설계하였다.


Common Ground is the result of an experiment of revitalising unused land in the middle of the city. By applying prefab methods, e.g. producing modules in a factory, transporting them to the construction site and assembling them on-site, it was possible to reduce the construction time of the 5300 m2 building to five months.


In order to maximise the usage efficiency of the elongated rectangular shaped land, the architectural form is based on a center square connecting two buildings. 


At the traffic-heavy main street side, container modules were stacked to give the building exterior more impact and draw attention from passers-by. The mass on the opposite side has been kept open to naturally connect to the visitor flow of the surrounding environment and invite people in more easily. 


The two buildings, STREET MARKET and MARKET HALL, are both based on container architecture but are designed with different characteristics in mind.


The containers of the Street Market are arranged in a protruding configuration, highlight the individual modules and give the exterior more impact. The Market Hall is made of 12m long-span container modules which are used as separated shopping booths. Same- sized modules as roof of the hall create a usable terrace area on the third floor. 


from archdaily
