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-친환경 노출콘크리트 하우스 [ Furuya Design Architecture Office ] HANEGI PLUS House

Archstory 2021. 11. 3. 19:54

Fufuya Design Architecture Office-HANEGI PLUS House


이 주택은 협동조합 프로젝트로서 가성비를 확보하기 위해 필요한 용적을 본격적으로 확보했다. 대지 경계선 끝부분에 옹벽을 세우고 드라이에어리어에 녹지를 조성 하였다. 지하층과 1층, 2층과 3층을 메노제트 형태의 주거단위로 계획하여 1층과 2층의 공용회랑으로 접근하는 2개의 출입구를 만들었다. 각 출입구 사이에 가능한 많은 녹지를 확보하기 위해 드라이에어리어의 대피 계단을 포함하여 3군데 공간에 녹지를 조성하였다. 그리고 이러한 녹지 공간은 도시와 건물사이 경계가 가 없어지게 만들었다.


Hanegi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo. A rare location that combines the convenience of being within walking distance of Meidaimae Station(semi central station), with the environmental friendliness of a residential area.


Despite the legal restrictions on the construction of the site, the cross-sectional shape reflects the shape of the building, which has been earnestly acquired the required volume to ensure cost performance as a cooperative-house project. The façade has a dry area that brings light to the basement and a one-sided roof full of legal restrictions lines that floats from the Grand Level like large feathers.


The tip of the retaining wall that recedes from the site boundary line is squeezed to bring green to the dry area, and the feather-shaped façade and all the green are integrated to connect the cityscape and the plantation in the depth direction. There are two entrances on the façade that approach the common corridors on the 1st and 2nd floors, because of the plan format in which the basement floor and the 1st floor, and the 2nd and 3rd floors, as maisonette type dwelling units.


In order to secure as much green as possible between each entrance, the three flow lines are all planted, including the evacuation stairs approach to the underground dry area. And the combination of these green spaces makes the relationship between the town and the building borderless.


Photography by Norihito Yamauchi

from archdaily

