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-파빌리온 브렉스타드 [ ASAS arkitektur ] Pavilion Brekstad

Archstory 2022. 11. 30. 08:00

ASAS arkitektur-Pavilion Brekstad


이 건축물은 노르웨이 중부 포센에 위치한 오래된 군용벙커를 개조한 것이다. 포센은 서쪽의 노르웨이 해와 동쪽의 트론헤임스피요르드가 만나는 놀라운 풍경을 가진 아름다운 반도이다. 파빌리온의 프로그램은 역동적이며 개인 및 사교 행사, 강의 및 인근 농장과 관련된 고객 방문에 사용하도록 설계되었다.

이 파빌리온은 4면의 통창을 통해 360도 파노라마 뷰를 가지고 있다. 거대한 초원위에 파빌리온의 떠나니는 투명한 구조가 있어 오래된 것과 새로운 것, 가벼운 것 사이의 명확한 구분을 제공한다. 계단은 닫힌 부분에서 빛으로 이어지는 중심 요소로 배치된다. 계단은 우아한 모양과 조형적 요소를 형성하여 길을 명확하게 안내한다. 파빌리온의 기본 재료는 강철, 유리 및 콘크리트뿐만 아니라 내부에서 더 촉감이 좋고 따뜻한 분위기를 내기 위해 목재를 사용했다.


Pavilion Brekstad is a transformation of an old military bunker located at Fosen in Mid-Norway.
Fosen is a beautiful peninsula with a remarkable landscape meeting the Norwegian Sea in the west and the Trondheimsfjord in the east. The pavilion's program is dynamic and is designed to be used for private and social events, lectures, and customer visits associated with the farm nearby. The plan is open and flexible so it refurnishing easily can adjust to different occasions.


"To see and be seen" is one of the main ideas in the design of the pavilion according to the concept idea developed by the client. The pavilion's floating form and expression are the opposite of its previous function, where defense and attack behind thick walls are transformed and supplemented with sight lines and visual overviews.


With a 360-degree panoramic view of nature, wildlife, and the air base, this has been achieved. The bunker's heavy and massive character is preserved, and concrete walls and texture are visible. Above the massive base are the pavilion's hovering and transparent construction giving a clear distinction between the old and new, heavy and light.


To develop the final design several options on the visible shape above ground was tested. A simple rectangle was the final answer supplying a flexible, open space, framing all directions, and fitting to the existing bunker as the project foundation. The entrance is through the old military function where the old plan is replaced by kitchen, toilettes, and storage.


The stairs are put in as a central element, leading from the closed parts and up to the light. The stairs form an elegant shape and sculptural element clearly leading the way. The primary materials in the new building are steel, glass, and concrete, as well as elements of wood used to achieve a more tactile and warm atmosphere in the interior.


Photography by Kristoffer Wittrup


from archdaily
