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-붉은벽돌산업단지 리노베이션 [ Asa Studio Albanese ] Lindower 22 Building

Archstory 2021. 10. 14. 09:00


Asa Studio Albanese-Lindower 22 building

아사스튜디오 알바네즈-린더워22빌딩


린더워22빌딩은 20세기 초 붉은벽돌산업단지 재개발프로젝트이다. 10,000제곱미터가 넘는 공간을 베를린의 문화적 정신에 따라 자유로운 사상가를 위한 공간으로 탈바꿈하도록 설계되었다. 이 프로젝트는 가장 유명한 두 건물을 개조하고, 거리 쪽의 공공주택을 복원 및 확장하고, 가장 비효율적이고 덜 유명한 건물을 철거하는 다양한 재생전략을 사용하였다.


Lindower 22 is one of the first industrial redevelopment projects in the historic working-class district of Wedding in West Berlin and involves the redevelopment of the former Max Hasse Machinen Fabrik, an early 20th-century redbrick industrial complex. With the decline of old industries, it was initially left behind by the regeneration processes following the 1990s, which instead touched the other districts of Berlin.


Despite this with the availability of incredible spaces in terms of architectural quality, in recent years it has attracted increasing numbers of artists, art galleries, and creative ateliers, many of them working together in the same loft spaces in abandoned factories. Today Wedding is considered a very lively, multicultural district and plays a central role in the policies of the city as part of its ambitious urban redevelopment through a culture plan. Lindower 22 is designed to transform over 10,000 square metres of unused spaces into an urban think tank, a space for free thinkers in keeping with Berlin's cultural spirit.


The project involves a series of interventions that began with refitting, using different regeneration strategies, the two most prestigious buildings, restoring and expanding the public housing on the street side, and demolishing the least efficient and less prestigious buildings to construct a new building with various floors and functions.


The philosophical approach to the project depends on the ability of culture, experimentation, and art to restimulate the complex's dormant fabric, building an innovative district where artists, researchers, start-ups, cultural associations, fashion designers, art galleries, and small contemporary artisans can get together in a community and influence and inspire each other, generating a hybrid hub that grows and develops together with the city. The architectural approach is a follow-on from the philosophical one and is based on the idea of respect for a building that has an extraordinary history and quality. This meant two operational concepts: basic and useful.


Basic, for example, the retrofitting strategy adopted on Lindower 22. It means an attempt to use the maximum efficiency and linearity to keep the need to alter existing structures to a minimum: all-new input is "standard", in other words, the simplest possible. Useful, because every element or existing system that still works has been salvaged, adding and modernising only where strictly necessary. As of present, the restoration work on the retained sections of Lindower 22 and the streetside building has been completed.


In the first phase, the buildings of the Cathedral, the Kondo and Kondolin D, were regenerated to house Callie's, an experimental institution for the promotion of art, creativity, and cultural crossing, AP, the sister library of Callie's, the headquarters of Plastique Fantastique and many other creative realities. In the second phase, the Kondolin B buildings will instead be reconstructed and will be used as multitasking spaces (a cinema-theater that also functions as a conference hall), new spaces for art, and for reflection and experimentation on food (coffee, food lab, supermarket, and residences).


Photography by Francesca lovene

from archdaily
