wulf architekten-Sports Center for Überlingen School Campus
스포츠센터는 화이트 익스팬디드 메탈 덕분에 우아한 외관을 가지고 있다. 독특하게 접힌 지붕은 건축형태의 구조적인 역할과 주변 소규모 주거 건물과 연결을 설정한다. 따라서 지붕은 주변 풍경과 조화를 이루는 동시에 독특한 아이덴티티를 형성한다. 내부는 노출콘크리트와 화이트 익스팬디드 메탈이 지배적이다. 넓게 설계된 개구부는 건물에 충분한 채광을 제공하고 쾌적한 실내 환경을 조성하는데 도움을 하고있다.
스포츠센터 저층에는 로비, 관람석, 3개의 코트가 있는 체육관이 있으며, 위층에는 볼 스포츠 및 체조를 위한 홀과 보조공간이 있다.
For the school campus in Überlingen on Lake Constance, a master plan was developed for the grounds of the city’s secondary school and high school. Its central component is a new sports center that consists of a three-court gymnasium, a gymnastics hall, and a ball sports hall.
The sports center has an elegant appearance thanks to the freestanding building’s facade of white expanded metal. The distinctive folded roof gives structure to the built form and establishes ties to the neighboring, smaller-scale residential buildings. Thus it fits into the surrounding roof landscape while simultaneously forging a distinctive identity. Inside, the dominant materials are exposed concrete and white expanded metal. Generously dimensioned glazed openings let ample daylight into the building and help create an amenable indoor environment.
The base of the new building houses the lobby, bleachers, and three-court gymnasium, while the upper floor accommodates the halls for ball sports and gymnastics along with ancillary spaces. The openly designed building is accessible from the north, east, and west. The glazed ground floor forms a transparent juncture to the public space with the adjoining schools and sports fields. The sports center is a contemporary facility tailored to the needs of athletes and is ideally suited for competitions and other sporting events, thus enabling it to enrich Überlingen’s sports landscape.
from archdaily