Atelier Ronan Prineau-Le DomiNO Head Office, Co-Working & Shops
도미노오피스는 방데의 샬랑 입구에 있는 교외 지역에 위치하고 있다. 이 포로젝트는 도시의 입구, 문서 및 멋진 풍경을 드러내는 방식으로 지향된다. 굴곡과 방향이 도시 간극에 반응하는 도시 꾸뛰르 작업의 볼륨 결과물이다. 건물의 1층은 충분한 높이로 완전히 유리로 되어있다. 2층과 3층은 오프셋이 변하는 2개의 볼륨으로 되어 있어 도시파사드가 늘어나 이웃 건물에 대한 존중을 표시할 수 있다.
The Domino inserts itself in a distended suburban area, at the entrance of Challans in Vendée. The urban composition of the project is defined by the context. The project is oriented in a way to reveal the city’s entrance, the documents, and the great landscape. It is a project of a recapture of daily architecture.
The volume outcomes from a work of urban couture where flexions and orientations reply to urban interstices. The building’s first floor is fully glazed, with a generous height. The second and third floors are two volumes with a shifting offset, that allows the urban façade to stretch and show respect to the neighboring buildings.
These horizontal volumes mark Carnot Street and suggest urban densification. On the contrary, the façades become thicker as they rise up to the sky with narrower glazings, giving a vertical reading of the building. Horizontality and verticality allow this building to reveal the “genius loci”.
The urban context leads the building to a material deletion for the benefit of an urban construction where founding, volumes, and details allow durability. Construction precision, the timelessness of drawing, and attention to detail serve the building’s longevity.
Urban, structural and aesthetic rationalities enable one to contemplate its future under the auspices of changes or restoration where overall lifespan is part of the environmental response.
Photography by François Dantart
from archdaily