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-챠콧 다이칸야마 상가건물 [ TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers ] Chacott Daikanyama Commercial Building

Archstory 2022. 4. 9. 13:30

TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers-Chacott Daikanyama Commercial Building


이 건물은 오감을 자극하고 다양한 감성을 찾는다는 의류 브랜드인 온워드카시야마의 컨셉을 구현한 복합쇼핑몰이다. 건축적 컨셉은 작은 상자를 옮기고 쌓아 작은 언덕만드는 것이 였다. 지하 1층 카페는 1층과 연결되어 갤러리와 라운지 공간으로 이벤트와 전시를 할 수 있다. 2층과 3층은 패션에 전념하고 있으며, 4층에는 레스토랑이 있으며 건물의 가장 높은 층에 있는 작은 바로 연결된다.


This is a shopping complex embodying apparel brand Onward Kashiyama’s concept of “stimulating the five senses, and find the diverse of sensibilities.” A café on the basement floor connects to the ground level where a gallery and lounge area can be used for events and exhibitions. The second and third floors are dedicated to fashion, and a restaurant on the fourth floor which leads to a small bar located on the highest level of the building.


We created a special structure of mixed construction, shifting and stacking small boxes and assembling them into a building reminiscent of a small hill. Its architectural volume fits the urban surroundings, captures the natural light, invites gazes inward, and bears a rich dynamic interior space. The finishes of the interior and exterior accentuate the structure’s complex shape and spatial features.


In addition, the rooftop of each box-like structure serves as a scenic terrace for the floor above it. Exterior staircases stretched between the outdoor areas provide visitors additional access to different floors as well as the ability to further explore the building’s grounds and area. Keeping in mind the element of “overlapping” for the details, a spatial experience that softly blends the different scales of “furniture”, “interior”, and “architecture” was striven for.




from archdaily
