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-내부 중정형 아파트 [ MVRDV ] Ilot Queyries Apartment Building

Archstory 2021. 9. 24. 17:48


MVRDV-Ilot Queyries Aparment Building

엠브이알디비-일롯 케이리스 아파트 빌딩


보르도의 가론 강 동쪽에 위치한 이 건물은 도시의 장점인 친밀감, 놀라움, 생동감을 결합하는 것을 목표로 설계하였다. 건물은 건축한계선까지 계획하여 주변 환경과 조화를 이루게하였다. 지붕은 14도에서 45도까지 다양한 경사지붕으로 계획하여, 환기 및 채광을 제공하고 복잡하고 흥미로운 내부공간을 만들어 다양한 크기의 거주공간을 탄생시켰다.

넓은 중정은 거주자들에게 공원과 같은 공간을 제공한다. 그리고 건물 파사드의 보이드 공간은 내부 중정을 외부와 연걸하여 지나가는 행인의 주의를 끌고 내부 공간에 대한 호기심을 불러일으킨다.


MVRDV has completed construction of Ilot Queyries, a courtyard apartment building providing 282 homes – including 128 for social housing – parking, commercial space, and a rooftop restaurant in an intimate urban setting with plenty of light, air, and a large collective green space. Located to the east of the River Garonne in Bordeaux, across from the city’s UNESCO World Heritage historic centre, the building is part of a new neighbourhood of four buildings master-planned by MVRDV alongside Joubert Architecture.


The project is envisaged as a test-bed for the principles of the neighbouring Bastide-Niel masterplan, also designed by MVRDV, which aims to combine the virtues of Bordeaux’s UNESCO World Heritage historic city – intimacy, surprise, and liveliness – with the density, ecology, light, and comfort of the modern city. Ilot Queyries thus adopts the same approach as the Bastide-Niel masterplan: the building fills the site to its boundaries, lending an intimate feeling to the streetscape, while the roofs are arranged into carefully calibrated slopes to provide maximum ventilation, daylight, and sun to the building itself and to its neighbours.


The result, designed in partnership with local architects Flint, is a large, irregularly shaped courtyard building almost 200 metres long. At 5,200m2, the large courtyard provides a park-like space for the residents; located one storey above ground level, it also hides the residents’ parking below. The building responds to its surroundings on all sides: on the south-eastern end of the building, sections as low as one storey relate to the low-rise neighbours, while on the north-east, facing the river, it rises as high as nine storeys. At this high point, a glass crown houses a restaurant with views of the river and the historic centre of Bordeaux beyond.


On all sides, the façades facing the street are lower than those facing the central courtyard. In accordance with the rules developed in the Bastide-Niel masterplan, the roof slopes vary between 14 degrees and 45 degrees depending on their relation to the sun. These slopes create complex and interesting interior spaces, which help to define varied apartments in a wide range of sizes – making the building home to many different types of residents, while also giving a unique and homely feel to each living space.


The project’s street-facing façades present a muted, cream-coloured palette, blending in with the surroundings. However, the courtyard-facing façades are finished in a bright red textured stucco. Together with the green courtyard landscape of 83 alder and birch trees and a variety of grasses, this presents a visually exciting environment to complement the liveliness of the park space. At various locations, large portals through the building connect the interior courtyard to the outside, introducing flashes of colour that draw the attention of passers-by and inspire curiosity about the space inside.


Ilot Queyries is the largest building in a development of four buildings master-planned by MVRDV and Joubert Architecture. Ilot Queyries itself was designed by MVRDV with co-architects Flint, while Joubert Architecture and Flint also designed the other buildings in the development. The landscape architecture of Ilot Queyries was designed by MVRDV in collaboration with Sabine Haristoy and Flint.


Photography by Ossip Van Duivenbode

from archdaily
