Cultivation Objects-PQ Dining Chair
이 의자는 브루클린에 기반을 둔 스튜디오 Cultivation Objects가 디자인한 미니멀 다이닝 체어이다. 이 의자는 시리즈의 요소를 통합하여 18개의 독특한 의자 컬렉션인 Piece and Quiet 시리즈에서 영감을 얻었다. Piece and Quite 시리즈는 텍스트, 이미지 또는 악보를 잘라 새로운 몸을 만드는 데쿠페 또는 킷업의 예술적 기법을 탐구한다. 이 기술은 1920년대에 다다이스트들에 의해 시작되었고 나중에 1950년대에 예술가이자 시인인 Brion Gysin에 의해 재발견되었다. Gyshin은 테이블 위의 신문을 자르던 중 우연히 그 방법을 발견했고, 남은 단어와 이미지가 새로운 문구와 생각의 병치르 만들어낸다는 것을 깨달았다.
PQ Dining Chair is a minimal dining chair designed by Brooklyn-based studio Cultivation Objects. The PQ Dinner Chair is a new addition to the Brooklyn studio’s open edition chairs. This chair draws inspiration from the Piece and Quiet series, a collection of eighteen unique chairs, by incorporating elements from the series. The Piece and Quiet series explores the artistic technique of découpé, or cut-up, which involves cutting up a text, image, or musical score to create a new body. This technique originated with the Dadaists in the 1920s and was later rediscovered by artist and poet Brion Gysin in the 1950s. Gysin accidentally stumbled upon the method while cutting newspapers on his table and realizing that the remaining words and images created new phrases and juxtapositions of ideas. The Piece and Quiet series was similarly inspired by the notion of creating new visual phrases through salvaged materials and intuition. The chairs in the series often omit certain parts intentionally, which forces the user to adjust their posture and interact with the chair in new ways. The resulting forms often have a subtle humor and drift away from the inherent functionalism of furniture without abandoning it completely. The PQ Dinner Chair is hand-made to order in the Brooklyn studio, continuing the tradition of the Piece and Quiet series.
from Leibal
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