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-미쿠모 하우스 [ Hearth Architects ] Mikumo House

Archstory 2022. 6. 26. 08:30

Hearth Architects-Mikumo House


이 프로젝트는 벚나무 가로수 지역에 계획된 단독주택이다. 이 프로젝트는 "단 2주 동안 만발할 벚나무 가로수를 보기 위해지어진 집"이라는 식으로 기획 및 배치 되었다. 대지와 주변 산의 높이에 맞춰 지붕의 기울기를 디자인한 후, 1층과 2층에 벚나무를 감상할 수 있는 큰 창을 설치했다. 자연이 풍부한 위치를 활용하여 테라스에서 기와 바닥 공간을 집으로 끌어 들여 내부와 외부를 부드럽게 연결하는 공간을 만들었다.


The project is a single-family house that was planned in an area of cherry blossom tree rows. This project was planned and laid out in such a way as to say, “the house was built for watching the rows of blooming cherry blossom trees for just two weeks”.


We designed the gradient of the roof while matching it to the difference in height of the site and the surrounding mountains, and then we placed a large window on the first floor and second floor for viewing the cherry blossom trees.


Taking advantage of the location, which is rich in nature, we dragged a tiled earthen floor space from the terrace into the house, making a space that gently connects the inside and outside. The client will live a luxurious life while feeling the changes of the four seasons in this overflowing light space.

Photography by Yuta Yamada

from archdaily
