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-바레타워 [ Brukard Meyer Architekten ] Bäre Tower

Archstory 2022. 6. 22. 08:30

Burkard Meyer Architekten-Bäre Tower


바레타워는 중요한 랜드마크로서 오스터문디겐 지역에서 커뮤니티의 정체성을 강화하는 중력지점 역할을 한다. 베른 주에서 가장 높은 건물인 100m 높이의 타워에는 약 150개의 임대 아파트와 호텔, 레스토랑이 있다. 수평선과 기능적이고 깨끗한 소재의 타워의 물성을 구성한다. 슬림한 실루엣과 더불어 부조와 같은 알루미늄 클래딩 파사드가 건축적 표현을 더욱 정의한다. 외부를 감싸고 있는 주름진 알루미늄 난간은 엇갈린 창 밴드와 교환되어 구조적 형태에 기여한다.


BäreTower stands as an important Landmark and serves as a gravitational point for Ostermundigen enhancing the community’s identity in the area. Its central position near the main arteries of the area (railway, bus, and car) knots the new development efficiently with the City of Bern and the surrounding regions. The building ensemble near the local railway station serves as the prelude to the planned densification on the outskirts of the city of Bern.


The slender multifaceted high-rise not only makes a striking urban statement, but it also introduces a new scale into the existing settlement pattern. Towering above a four-story pedestal and at a right angle to the railway line, the high-rise structure faces onto the adjacent open space. The placement of a second, plinth-like building on Bernstrasse creates a public square, which enhances the attractiveness of the site – also taking into account the future plans in the vicinity of the railway station.


As the tallest building in the canton of Bern, the 100-meter-high tower houses around 150 rental flats as well as a hotel and a restaurant. The hotel occupies the lower four floors of the pedestal of the tower followed by apartments and a restaurant on the 9th floor with a terrasse overlooking the old city complex of Bern.


The rest of the floors are residential, topped with maisonette apartments featuring private terraces on the 33rd floor. The three-story plinth building on Bernstrasse accommodates retail and service areas that reinforce the public character of the location.


Horizontal lines and functional and clean materials compose the materiality of the tower. In addition to the slim silhouette, the architectural expression is further defined by the relief-like aluminum cladding façade. Corrugated aluminum parapets wrapping the exterior, interchanging with staggered bands of windows are contributing to the tectonic form.


The interplay between the glazed surfaces and silver-toned cladding creates an understated elegance that varies in appearance depending on the incidence of light and weather conditions making the tower visible from afar.


Photography by Damian Poffet

from archdaily
