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-텐진 비즈니스 센터 [ OMA ] Tenjin Business Center

Archstory 2021. 10. 12. 15:10


OMA-Tenjin Business Center



사이트는 두 개의 주요 축이 교차하는 지점에 위치한다. 메이지도리와 시청 광장, 갤러리아와 연결되고 카페가 늘어선 유기적인 보행자 통로인 이나바초도리 지하에는 지하철역과 쇼핑광장이 연결된다. 메이지도리와 이나바초도리의 모퉁이에 있는 정면성을 발굴하여 두 가지 다른 도시 활동의 수렴을 나타내는것이 건축적 목적이었다. 이 제스처는 두 가지 조건을 동서에 향상시킨다. 사무실의 내부 활동을 드러내고 새로운 입구 광장에서 공공 활동을 끌어들인다.

조각된 코너 안에는 내부/외부 시각적 연결을 강화하고 이 지역의 지하 보행자, 소매점 및 대중 교통 네트워크와 연결된 낮은 수준의 중앙 홀까지 자연광을 끌어들이는 6층 아트리움이 있다. 픽셀화된 정면은 수렴 지점에서 장소감을 강화하는 간판과 조명으로 활성화된 일련의 밑면 표면을 형성한다.

침식된 모서리는 공공 영역과 개인 사무실 건물 사이의 가장자리를 부드럽게 만들어 후쿠오카 의 주요 시민 및 상업 도로를 따라 활동을 위한 개방성을 생성합니다.


OMA’s only built project in Japan up until 2012 can be found in Fukuoka. The Nexus World Housing complex was completed more than twenty-five years ago. Local developer Fukuoka Jisho commissioned Arata Isozaki to develop a masterplan that introduces a “new urban lifestyle,” for which OMA was invited as one of six architects to design a freestanding housing block.


Fukuoka is the seventh biggest city in Japan, known for its distinct cultural identity. Its central location among major cities of East Asia positions the city as a gateway into Japan, contributing to its standing as the economic center of Kyushu Island. The city has been thriving over the last decade, ranking highly in livability, a ratio of the younger population, and percentage of start-ups.


Following the Nexus World Housing complex, Tenjin Business Center signals a newfound ambition for urban renewal and growth. It also marks the next generation of collaboration between OMA, the city of Fukuoka, and Fukuoka Jisho. We believe this project was made possible by the fortuitous alignment of three people of the same generation—Shohei Shigematsu, a Fukuoka native; Ichiro Enomoto, the new CEO of Fukuoka Jisho (son of Kazuhiko Enomoto, former CEO who commissioned Nexus World Housing); and mayor Soichiro Takashima.


Tenjin Business Center will be the first development under the mayor’s Tenjin Big Bang initiative to stimulate the district’s formation as an Asian business hub and startup city. We wanted to create a building that is not just a symbol of success but also an incubator and space for discourse that harnesses the energy and activities of the neighborhood. How can we make an office building that suggests a new generation and reflects Fukuoka’s existing urban context?


The site is located at the intersection of two major axes: Meiji-dori—the city’s established avenue of a commerce lined with financial offices—and Inabacho-dori—an organic pedestrian corridor linked to the City Hall Plaza and Galleria and lined with intimate cafes. Below ground, the site connects to a subway station and shopping concourse. The building program is predominantly workspace, within a given massing that is neither low-rise nor tower.


Office buildings are often quite sober and withdrawn from public life. The introverted typology internalizes its atriums and lobbies, shrouding its best assets. Our approach was to excavate the facade on the corner of Meiji-dori and Inabacho-dori to articulate the convergence of two different urban activities. This gesture enhances two conditions simultaneously—they reveal the internal activity of the office and draw in public activity at the new entry plaza.


Within the carved out corner is a six-story atrium that reinforces the inside/outside visual connection and draws natural light down to the lower-level concourse linked to the area’s underground pedestrian, retail, and transit network. The excavation is calibrated as three-dimensional pixels that break down the building to a human scale. The pixelated facade forms a series of soffit surfaces above, activated with signage and lighting that reinforce a sense of place at the convergence point.


Setbacks at the opposing upper level provide green terraces for offices. In respect to the nature in the city, we symbolically introduce terraces with panoramic views to the often-overlooked Naka River and Hakata Bay. Together, the two pixelated edges round out the building to create a sense of softness like that of a melting ice cube.


The eroded corners soften the edge between the public domain and the private office building, generating an openness for the activity along Fukuoka’s main civic and commercial thoroughfares. As the first development in the Tenjin Big Bang initiative, we wanted it to set a precedent for the adjacent buildings to come—activated intersections and plazas at each building creating a network of public zones that knit the new district together.


Photography by Tomoyuki Kusunose


from archdaily
