Steven Holl Architects-Daeyang Gallery and House
갤러리 하우스는 서울 강북구의 언덕에 자리 잡고 있다. 이 프로젝트는 "음악의 건축학"에 대한 연구 스튜디오와 병행하는 실험으로 설계되었다. 건물의 기본 기하학은 작곡가 Istvan Anhalt의 "Symphony of Modules"의 악보에 대한 1967 스케치에서 영감을 얻었다. 이 건물은 하나는 입장, 하나는 거주지, 하나의 이벤트 공간은 아래의 연속적인 갤러리 수준에서 위로 밀어 올리는 것처럼 보인다. 한 장의 물 위와 아래에서 기준면을 설정한다. 각 파빌리온에는 5개의 투명 유리 스트립이 있어 햇빛이 내부 공간을 회전하고 구부러지도록 하여 시간과 계절에 따라 생기를 불어 넣는다.
The private gallery and house is sited in the hills of the Kangbuk section of Seoul, Korea. The project was designed as an experiment parallel to a research studio on “the architectonics of music.” The basic geometry of the building is inspired by a 1967 sketch for a music score by the composer Istvan Anhalt, “Symphony of Modules,” which was discovered in a book by John Cage titled “Notations.”
Three pavilions; one for entry, one residence, and one event space, appear to push upward from a continuous gallery level below. A sheet of water establishes the plane of reference from above and below. The idea of space as silent until activated by light is realized in the cutting of 55 skylight strips in the roofs of the three pavilions.
In each of the pavilions, 5 strips of clear glass allow the sunlight to turn and bend around the inner spaces, animating them according to the time of day and season. Proportions are organized around the series 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. Views from within the pavilions are framed by the reflecting pool, which is bracketed by gardens that run perpendicular to the skylight strips.
In the base of the reflecting pool, strips of glass lenses bring dappled light to the white plaster walls and white granite floor of the gallery below. A visitor arrives through a bamboo formed garden wall at the entry court, after opening the front door and ascending a low stair.
He or she can turn to see the central pond at eye level and take in the whole of the three pavilions, floating on their own reflections. The interiors of the pavilions are red and charcoal stained wood with the skylights cutting through the wood ceiling. Exteriors are a rain screen of custom patinated copper which ages naturally within the landscape.
Phtography by Iwan Baan
from archdaily
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